Monday, August 13, 2007


Sadly, no, the D80 is not my camera.  It belongs to my husband who was just as lost as I was with the demise of my D70 last month.  My camera is in the shop, hopefully being repaired, but in the mean time Dickidoo couldn't bring himself to use a smaller point and shoot camera so he made an investment.

Unfortunately he doesn't share very well. I have only been able to take the camera out twice so far.  I can see we will have to come up with a custody agreement like we had with the D70.  Grrrr!

A little about this bright eyed grasshopper.  I couldn't have asked for a better subject as I fiddled with the controls of the new camera.  He sat quite patiently while I clicked and adjusted and clicked again.  I think I may have bored him half to death, but the pictures came out so clear.

I miss my camera and really hope it can be fixed, but man, that D80 is sweet!

