Saturday, February 26, 2005


Kansas was the worst part of the whole trip to Kentucky ... to and from!  It went on forever, straight, flat, dry... and it smelled like cowpies!  But the sky was so blue!  It was like looking right up into Heaven!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Found someone else, that dislikes driving through that state. I used to live in Texas, and dreaded driving through Kansas..on our way to Nebraska. But your right..the sky is always beautiful...there is ssoooo much of it.  ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I could think of when seeing this picture, was this conspiracy theory mad friend of mine who INSISTS that the government (or THEY) are spraying the public using chemtrails.  Why I ask?  To affect the weather, to make us all sick to keep us under control, etc.  It doesn't make sense to me either....

Anonymous said...

My children always hated going through Kansas.  They felt the same way.  That, however, is how I feel about Texas.  Kansas was beautiful to me with its farms.  Reminded me of a patchwork quilt.  Guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, lol!!!!
