Monday, October 10, 2005


It snowed today.  The ground was too wet and warm to stick where I live, but the foothills just to the west were delicately dusted in white.  I can count the number of times I've had a white Christmas on one hand, and yet there is something about snow that just puts me in the mood.  I have a confession to make.  I watched the Trans Siberian Ghosts of Christmas Eve dvd last week.  I'm soooo in the spirit of the Yuletide, and I haven't even gotten through Halloween and Thanksgiving yet!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I am so looking forward to watching the seasons change through your journal and pictures.  Nothing nearly as exciting in my part of Texas.  Lucky!!


Anonymous said...

I soooo love the Trans Siberian orchestra! I don't have the DVD :(  but I have their first two christmas albums. They are phenominal. They actually get more play time than my Mannheim Steemroller albums.

Anonymous said...

nice picture thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

>>>>JEALOUS!!!<<<< ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic, and it makes me nostalgic for snow - also, I think of the lyrics from Sweet Baby James:

...Now the first of December was covered with snow
And so was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
Lord, the Berkshires seemed dream-like on account of that frosting...


Anonymous said...

Oh, this pic sooooooooooo makes me miss Colorado.  At least I get to see it through you.  Thanks, Jody!

