I spent the afternoon with this Canada goose. Despite its appearance, the goose was actually quite docile around me, making only soft grunts while begging for crumbs from my sourdough roll. It was obviously the dominant gander (?) on the pond for the other geese kept their distance and those who ventured too close in the hopes of scooping up some crumbs were quickly chased away with a flap of wings and a warning honk.
Great shot you captured there. Helen
ohhh does dickidoo know you got goosed??? heh..
Very cool! I keep hearing these birds overhead, but then don't land on my property *bummer* I can't wait to be able to take another "photo shooting" trip with you! Great job.
LOL they do go after you!!!!
This is a great photo. Interesting angle! It's so weird to see write into the goose's mouth. Cracked me up! Thanks for sharing!
The green background is harmonious to the light brown of the feathers. Nice simple photo. mark
Was she letting you have it or what!!!!!
We both chose to work with Geese, or "Gooses," as my daughter calls them. You seem to get closer to them than I am able to... prolly because you don't have a dog with you.
I can here the honk. Love the shot!
We had tons of these on the pond in the park near our house in Broomfield. There were so many, in fact, you could not walk the sidewalk lots of times without stepping in goose poop, lol. Great shot!
i'm loving all your recent photos...the storm ones were fantastic!
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