Tuesday, June 13, 2006


This past year has been very emotional for my family with my eldest son being deployed to Iraq.  Last month he was able to relax at home with us, away from the ugliness that is war.  Needless to say it was very difficult to put him back on to a plane to rejoin his 'brothers'.  This picture was taken at the airport shortly before he boarded the first of many planes that would take him once again in to harms way.  I don't know what father and son said to each other, I was trying hard to keep control of my own emotions.  Ironically I have managed to hold back the tears... until this very moment. 

I am so proud of my son and his commitment to his country, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I am scared to death for him.

The Round Robin Photo Challenges: Round Robin Challenge: Emotions


Anonymous said...

Oh...excellent. Very honest and heartfelt.  The really comes through in the photo as well as your words. - Karen

Anonymous said...

Your son is a very brave man, I pray he stays safe for you all and  returns home when this is ended. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Lots of love and pride in that embrace and I'm sure some wisdom too! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, this is such a sentimental moment!  I know the feeling.  This photo needs to go on the wall right next to the Paparrazi one showing him holding his son for the first time ... two father and son photos next to each other on the photo wall of fame!

Anonymous said...

He is a good boy..god bless and keep him..
thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorn

This was quite touching. I will keep good thoughts for your son. Take care sweetie!

Always, Carly

Anonymous said...

oh thanks dorn!  I needed a good cry!

Anonymous said...

Dorn, I will keep your son and family in my prayers.  I felt like I was there! Perfect picture for emotion.  God Bless you all!


Anonymous said...

Very touching photo -- my prayers are with you all.


Anonymous said...

That is a very touching photo indeed, and it says a lot. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your personal and touching message and photo.    I wish your son the best and that he will return home having done his part.     mark

Anonymous said...

I have not forgotten he is serving, Jody, and still pray for his safety often!

