Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's movie 'The Birds', this red-winged black bird flew circles over my head, occasionally swooping in lower while its mate and neighbors gathered in the nearby trees and reeds, chirping maniacally in my direction.  Although I suspected the cause of the bird's agitation, it wasn't until I was almost upon it that I noticed the intricately woven nest cleverly concealed in a thick stand of reeds.  I backed away so as not to disturb any little ones that might be in the nest, and continued on my hike around the pond, but the birds did not forgive and forget easily.  They followed me from tree to tree, scolding loudly until I finally climbed into my truck and drove away.


Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous, birds are so protective over their babies! Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

The picture is beautiful. Helen

Anonymous said...

Great photo, my daugther found one here and donated it to the musuem and they put it on display.
Beautiful bird.

Anonymous said...

I have been doing yard work in the area where there is a Robin's nest.  Mom is not happy with me either.  Beautiful bird and picture.  What len's did you use?


Anonymous said...

WOW. what a great picture. You should give lessons. I would sign up.
At least volunteer to the photography club at some local school. You should not waste but share your talent.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo!  We had a redwing in our front yard in Manlius, well over thrity years ago. He always used to divebomb my Mom for some reason.  Really annoyed her after a while! - Karen

Anonymous said...

Dorn!  This looks like a painting!

Anonymous said...

I love these birds. Red-winged blackbirds are my favorite.

Dorn, please check out poetryfloat.blogspot.com. I'm glad you got to spend time with your son recently. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo of the bird in flight with wings splayed.    mark

Anonymous said...

I adore red winged blackbirds. There was one at our feeder the other day and I held my breath, it was so pretty.
