As a child I used to love kicking wild mushrooms over. As a parent I wouldn't let my children go near them because I just knew that they were poisonous and growing out of a pile of pooh! Now, as a photographer I search for these fancy fungi... and get very irritated when I find that they have been kicked over by some little bratty child.
The study of mushrooms is called mycology. I had every intention of looking up the names of these mushrooms, but after browsing for a few minutes in the many mycology sites I was completely utterly confused and have already reconsidered my pursuit in the field of mycology.
And so, with my limited mycological identification skills, I present three different kinds of mushrooms that I encountered along the trail at Cattail Marsh. They are, from top to bottom 1)Gigantic Pretty White Mushroom 2) Pretty Brown and White Mushroom and 3) Orange Ringed Mushroom.
Okay, these aren't the scientific names... infact, they aren't even the proper names, but they work for me! In the future I think I'll stick to eating them.
You have never ceased to amaze me. Do you know I am spoiled with your beautiful pictures now so much so that I look forward to them everyday. You will always provide me things to draw and paint if I ever develop artists block, and sometimes I can't even draw my name so it happens. Still have the window picture. Want me to mail it to ya? If so, contact me.
Nelishia Wood
Commerce City, CO. Not far from ya.
I just came across your journal and had to put it in my favorites. I love your photos! Thank you for allowing us to share a part of your world!
I'm inviting myself to go on a walk with you!!!! Always wonderful captures!!!
Great! I love them too and these are wonderful, I'll go put on Fantasia!
Your names sound right to me LOL. Very good pictures. Helen
Great shots! I have always been very leary of mushrooms, since I had to have my stomach pumped as a child...for eating toadstools. Never have forgotten that, and its been over 40+ years ago. LOL! Good luck, tyring to identify these.
ttfn :) ~Deborah
Love to eat 'em...think they're ugly. You actually made that first one look beautiful! Now THAT'S talent. ;) C.
Love to eat them too! I am probably one of those kids who kicked them over. I am still that way when I see them, lol. Great pics, especially the first one!
Your prolific photo taking has my admiration. Are those all edible mushrooms? I wouldn't know an edible from a poison mushroom. mark
mushrooms lol make me think of the 60's and 70's when my friends and I use to go into cow fields and pick them to eat. I can't for the life of me remember what they looked like but I sure can tell you I halluciated for hrs and hrs on those things. Everything melted I looked at with beautiful colors and we laughed for hrs and hrs. and hrs over nothing. Now I know the only ones you better eat are the ones out of the can or grocery which I love too. lol love the photo
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