Saturday, August 20, 2005


Well, I have my broadband back up and running but I'm still on the kids computer and only have PaintShop Pro8 trial edition to work with. I didn't notice this particular edge on my ver. 9 so I've been playing around with it.  This by the way is my daughter Becca with her violin.  No, she doesn't normally bring it with her when we go fishing but I talked her into it for a couple of pictures.

Another reluctant model.  I chased this poor moth all over the field until it finally realized that it may as well stop and feed because I wasn't going to leave it in peace until I got a shot.


I love that old stump and take a picture of it every time I go to the reservoir.  The tree in the marshy field caught my eye as the sun peered through its branches.  Yes, the sky really was that blue today, just before the rain clouds moved in.


Anonymous said...

Very good photos. I believe what you are calling a moth is really a butterfly, It's similiar to the American Lady Butterfly we have here in Alabama. If you care to look it up here is a good site. Just click on the state. Helen

Anonymous said...

awesome simple awesome pics Thank You for sharing. I'm recharging my batteries so i can make my next entry with my pic from my digital camera so I'm catching up on reading everyone else's

Anonymous said...

Morning!!! I'm having my tea, reading my email and sitting back looking at your lovely photos :). I hope your computer working real soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love the effects. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Your getting some nice butterfly shots. Your kids are so photogenic. (Thanks madcobug for the identification site).

Anonymous said...

GREAT photos
You are so talented.

Anonymous said...

My first stop on a gorgeous Saturday morning. Did Becca play a few songs for you, or go fishing? Looks like you had a wonderful Friday. Hope you have a great weekend.           ~Deborah

Anonymous said...

Oh the background behind your beautiful daughter is soooooooooo beautiful too.  You are making me "homesick" for Colorado.  God, how I miss living there.  Can I say that enough?  Thanks, Dorn, for letting me enjoy it through your eyes.  God it is so hot here.  I know it gets hot there too, but we have the humidity to go with it.  I swear you can cut it with a knife sometimes. :-(

Anonymous said...

You're gonna have to keep a close eye on that baby girl of yours ... What an adorable young lady!!

As always your photos encapsulate the heart of God and hold the breath of those of us who have the pleasure of viewing your vision of those moments.

thank you for the lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is gorgeous!  Love all the photos!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

Those shots are beautiful but none come even close to capturing the beauty of your daughter.  She is simply gorgeous.  Better find the lock on that closet girl cuz the boys are gonna drive you and your hubby crazy!


Anonymous said...

What a peaceful, beautiful young lady! ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo of your daughter!  She's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

WOW,i was feeling a littel sadat the passing of my best friends mother.when i came  across your journel.for a few days i was seeing only death around me ,but your pictuers made me see life.i love looking threw your eyes.and thanks so much for allowing me in. i look foward to more.again thank you.  p.s by the way you look 12,you couldnt possibly have kids .again wow

Anonymous said...

Good evening....These are lovely photos. I really enjoy your journal and I will continue to read it. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful, and the photo with the violin is just outstanding.  Enjoyed all the photos and your writing.     mark

Anonymous said...

Mom. My Violin should have been cleaned before that picture so it could glow. lol. I love that picture. But I still like the one where I actually look like I'm playing my violin over there.

Love your Daughter ReBec.
