Friday, April 22, 2005


This is a branch of the creek that I spend a lot of time at.  The beaver lodge is at the point in the top left, and I am standing near one of the two dams built by the beavers.  Today the water had a mirror like quality, but don't be fooled, the water is really a very dark, murky green color.

And look who came out to introduce their newest members of the family to me.  When I arrived they were just coming off the bank for a swimming lesson.  Even with me standing there the parents brought the goslings right over to my side of the creek.

I believe this little one is a swamp sparrow, but I could be wrong so if anyone knows for sure, please, by all means let me know.


Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOO convinced if we could be at the same place at the same time with our camera's in our hand, we would be taking the exact same shots...just like you said! Kindred spirits or something huh dorn! Love the river bend and the sparrow!

Anonymous said...

Wow,  what great pictures again and again.  Thanks for walking us through your world and showing us the many things you treasure in it.


Anonymous said...

Like the composition on the creek, nice angle and balance of reflection and bank. I think that is a good guess on the sparrow. I thought their range was more easterly but they do winter on the Gulf Coast, so they could be up your way back to canada.
Will be interesting to see the gosslings grow up.

Anonymous said...

All I can say keep spending time there and share it with us thru your lovely photo!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

Great pics... and the goslings are adorable!

Anonymous said...

the reflection in the pond and the colors, blues greens is so very pretty...



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