Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Between the rain and my allergies I haven't had much opportunity this week to get out with my camera.  Sadly, when I went to the pond today I was greeted by the goose family with only 2 goslings in tow.  The missing baby possibly fell victim to one of the many predators that share the pond and surrounding woods.

Another sad discovery, this squirrel with a broken front leg (or arm, what ever you want to call it).  This was as close as it would let me get to it.  Had it let me get closer I probably would have tried to catch it and take it to the nature center where they could decide what, if anything, could be done for it.  I know I should let nature take care of itself, but sometimes its so hard.

I finally identified this little beauty, she's a female redwinged blackbird.  They don't even look like the same species.  Apparently she's a real looker though because she had 2 young blackbirds courting her.

I have no idea what kind of flowers these are other than 'pretty', and quite possibly one of the causes for my recent misery.  I suffer miserably through allergy season but I would never consider relocating to a more comfortable place.  This is my home and I love it, even if I'm allergic to it!


Anonymous said...

I hope your are printing these out and putting them in a book...what very nice photos.  Hope you are feeling better...

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your allergies.  Hope some day people don't want to kill all the blooming plants and replace them with plastic ones.  Nice photographs.  Hey...your allergies aren't suppose to bother you in Colorado, or so I've heard.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of wildlife. We in the UK have your American grey squirrels everywhere now.  Our dog caught an injured one the other day, he has a very soft mouth being a labrador, so he didn`t hurt it.  I helped it back into a tree.  I`m not sure it would make because if a fox catches it he won`t be so lucky.  :-)   Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how many gosslings will make it through. Hopefully these 2 will stick close.
The flower almost looks like a yellow trumpet in the bud stage but that is a vine and doesn't have distinct petals.
Bless you! The honey suckle is what gets me!

Anonymous said...

Oh I absolutely Love your journal and Photos! Thank you for checking out mine, I just recently started taking photos and I don't know too much about it, I just know that I enjoy it, nature is so beautiful.  I'll definitely be back for more <3 Mandi

Anonymous said...

Oh poor mamma, and poor baby!  And, the squirrel...ouch!  Hope you are feeling better soon so that we can share in your world!  Lisa

Anonymous said...

A squirrel in our backyard had a broken upper arm one time and still got around- slowly, but she still went about her business. I fretted over her for some time but after only about 3 weeks, she was jumping around well and putting weight on it again. You can't even tell now. This same squirrel also got a hole (cat or dog's tooth?)straight through one of its hands. It healed really well too. I think squirrels are pretty resilient unless their back is broken.


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